Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Sometimes nothing sparks a wave of introversion more than raising your solitary sweaty palm in the air to ask a question in a large lecture hall packed with unknown faces. I can do without that shit, thank you very much, which is why MIT's simple web-based tool, backchan.nl, won at ROFLCon. The tool allows audience members (and even hungover conference attendees streaming from their hotel rooms) to easily ask questions, send comments and vote submissions up or down in a Reddit or Digg-like fashion, thereby sifting top questions onto the projection screen in the front of the room. Attendees were commenting freely, sending geek props, asking poignant questions -- even pulling pranks.

During the Incubating The Mindvirus: Meme Infrastructures panel, attendees successfully rickrolled the entire session by submitting the lyrics to Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up" to the backchannel, even voting them in the proper reading order.


The prank is only one of many highlights from ROFLCon. Explode even more awesome into your eyeballs by checking out photos from the Super Deluxe crew at ROFLCon here. Or more accurately, the photos and videos that hopefully won't get us in deep with the man.